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F3 Annapolis | October 18, 2024

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Beast Gate

Beast Gate
Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 12/21/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am



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  1. Partridge in a Pear Tree

    PAX: Dorothy (Q), Rocket, Chew Toy, Flux, Ambassador

    Weather: Cold

    Warmup: Grasspickers x10 IC, Michael Phelps x10 IC, Windmills x10 IC, Quad stretch 10 count, Left/Right arm thingy 10 count

    The Thang:
    12 Days of Christmas style, meaning you always go back down. Exercise 1, then exercise 2 and exercise 1, then exercise 3, exercise 2, and exercise 1. Get it? Good. Two different towers to do here
    Tower 1: Tower 2:
    1 – Plank 20s 1 – Plank 20s
    2 – Burpees 2 – Burpees
    3 – Merkins 3 – Big Boi Situps
    4 – Star Jumps 4 – Bear Tucks
    5 – Air Squats 5 – Wojo Squats
    6 – Tricep extensions w/coupon 6 – Curls w/coupon
    7 – Overhead Press w/coupon 7 – Thrusters w/coupon
    8 – Mountain Climbers 8 – Spidermans
    9 – SSH 9 – Chest Presses w/coupon
    10 – Bonnie Blairs 10 – Freddie Mercury
    11 – Crunches 11 – Bent over rows w/coupon
    12 – High Knees 12 – SSH

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