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F3 Annapolis | March 11, 2025

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The Docks

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Date(s) - 12/31/2022
7:00 am - 8:00 am

The Docks

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  1. O-H

    PAX: Dorothy (Q), Wild Thing, Johnny Fever, Centrowitz, Sally, Almanac, Flux Capacitor

    Weather: Courtesy of our friends at the NWS in Sterling, VA
    Update to include expanded Dense Fog Advisory to the Blue
    Ridge and Catoctin Mountains in northern VA and central MD
    The previous discussion follows…

    A surge in low-level moisture combined with the cooler ground
    has resulted in areas of dense fog near and east of the Blue
    Ridge Mountains in northern VA and central MD. The fog should
    burn off by mid to late morning, but low clouds may persist into
    this afternoon.

    Michael Phelps x10IC
    Right Over Left Arm Thingy 10 count, Left Over Right Arm Thingy 10 Count
    Right over left toe touches 10 count, left over right toe touches 10 count
    Quad Stretches 10 count
    Grasspickers x10IC

    The Thang: 4 Quarters
    This is the B1G, not the SEC. 4 Quarters of 10 minute AMRAPS with a minute rest in between. Ohio was the 17th state to join the union, so we’re doing 17 reps in a wash/rinse/repeat AMRAP

    10 Minute AMRAP
    17 Bicep Curls
    17 Big Boi Situps
    17 Thursters
    17 Star Jumps

    17 Overhead Press
    17 Mountain Climbers
    17 Bonnie Blairs
    17 LBCs

    Halftime: Lap around boat house, 17 fire hydrants because dogs are uncivilized

    17 Merkins
    17 High Knees
    17 Manatees
    17 Wojo Squats

    17 Bent Over Rows
    17 Outlaws
    17 SSH
    17 Apollo Ohnos

    CoR, NoR, CoT

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