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F3 Annapolis | March 11, 2025

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F3 Annapolis AO CRAWL – CSAUP

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Date(s) - 12/31/2021
6:00 am - 11:30 am



  1. Louis Aquilina

    6 – 6:30AM – The Vortex Beatdown (ChewToy = Q)
    6:30-7AM Drive to The Proving Grounds
    7 – 7:30AM Proving Grounds Beatdown (Q is OPEN!)
    7:30 – 8AM Drive to the Forge
    8 – 8:30AM The Forge Beatdown (Flux Capacitor = Q
    8:30 – 9AM Drive to Beastgate
    9 – 9:30AM Beastgate Beatdown (Q is OPEN!)
    9:30AM – 11AM Ruck from Beastgate to The Docks w/ a Q Source (Q=Animal) (3.8 miles) or BREAK if you can’t Ruck and drive to The Docks
    11 -11:30AM Beatdown at The Docks (Q=Countdown)
    11:45AM – Convene at The Iron Rooster for Lunch – M’s and 2.0’s invited!!
    A few more things:
    1) Come when you can – if you can’t make every beatdown, that’s OK, but you know we’d love to have you!!
    2) Q’s to issue their own event to see who may Hard commit.
    3) Let’s make December the highest attended month ever for F3 Annapolis – come out if we haven’t seen you in a while!!!

  2. Rocket

    6 AM – Vortex AO Crawl

    PAX- Chunder, Countdown, Cowboy, Animal, Rocket (Q)

    Warm Up to Get Down
    Buy in: 1k Run
    10:1 (10/10, 9/9, 8/8, etc)
    Merkin March
    Jumping Squats
    Cash out: 1k run

    Pax were eager to get moving on a 48 degree new years eve morning. Roads were slick and caution was taken on turns. Not a glove would remain dry on this day. Chunder let everyone know he was ready for the day by taking the lead. Positivity abounded as we wrapped the beat down and made our way to the next AO.

  3. Rocket

    9 AM Beastgate AO Crawl

    PAX- Chunder, Countdown, Cowboy, Animal, Rocket (Q)

    Coupon Race
    Coupon Can only be moved with Walking Lunges.
    Pay the toll to move coupon to next parking row.
    Run to Start and Back to coupon
    Ascending Reps 2/2, 4/4 etc of
    Coupon Cluster (Clean + Thruster)
    KB Swing
    Toll goes up each time its moved.
    20 minute time cap

    PAX were starting to feel the soreness creep in and warm up was about mobility.
    Some modified during the thang but every PAX came ready to gut it out and push themselves. What a great crew! Sled Dog mentality: Eyes forward and just keep moving.

  4. Louis Aquilina

    12/31/21 – 8AM The Forge Beatdown #3 AO Crawl CSAUP

    Weather – 52 degrees Cloudy
    PAX: Chunder, Cowboy, Countdown, Animal (QIC); Rocket@Beastgate

    Warm Ups
    Water Wheel
    Side-to-side stretches
    R over L Leg-thingy
    L over R Leg-thingy
    Michael Phelps

    Tabata – 20 sec on 10 sec off

    Round #1 5 Min
    Big Boi Sit Ups

    Round #2 5 min
    Squats with Claps under the knees
    Windshield Wipers

    Round #3 5 min
    Pull Ups
    Mountain Climbers

    Round #4 5 min


    …on to Beastgate

    So we had some mixed signals and Rocket went right to Beastgate from the Proving Grounds instead of making a stop at the Forge. All good. Texted him the beatdown and he accomplished OYO in front of Pottery Barn with minimal weird looks from out-of-shape, New Year’s Eve Mall rats. We hooked back up at 9AM for the next beatdown and all was right with the world at that point.

  5. Louis Aquilina

    12/31/21 – 9:30AM Ruck from Beastgate to the Docks – #5 of AO Crawl CSAUP

    Weather – 55 degrees; light breeze; still cloudy

    PAX: Rocket, Chunder, Cowboy, Almanac, Countdown, Animal (QIC)

    3.8 mile ruck from the parking lot right outside beastgate to The Docks AO

    Route was right down Bestgate until it became Rowe Boulevard; right around State Circle to East St and walked right by our favorite coffee shop to The Docks

    Q Source topic/discussion:
    1. What are your strengths in F3 and how can you help others accelerate with these strengths?
    2. What are your weaknesses in F3 and what can the PAX do to help nourish/overcome these weaknesses?
    3. What leadership role would you consider for F3 Annapolis in the year 2022?

    Countdown was great by offering to drive down to the Docks and park so he could shuttle the PAX later after Beatdown #6 and Lunch. He ran from the Docks to meet the rest of the PAX around the bridge of Wheems Creek.

    This was a really good Ruck and recommend we keep in the Arsenal for future Saturday’s as a pre-beatdown ruck or some other occasion.


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