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F3 Annapolis | October 18, 2024

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The Docks

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Date(s) - 12/03/2022
7:00 am - 8:00 am

The Docks

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  1. Wargames

    PAX: Dorothy (Q), Countdown, Almanac, Rocket, Sally, Patches, Ali, Wild Thing, Juicyfruit, Flux Capacitor, Chew Toy, FNG Centrowitz

    Weather: Courtesy of our friends at the NWS in Sterling, VA
    The first surge of showers and a few embedded lightning storms
    has moved along/east of I-95 as of mid morning. The bulk of
    heavy rain will move east of the bay or south of the area in
    another hour or two

    Warmup: Grasspickers x10 IC, Michael Phelps x10 IC, Windmills x10 IC, Quad stretch 10 count, Left/Right arm thingy 10 count

    A time honored tradition to settle grudges in the squared circle has made its way to F3 Annapolis. Two teams of 6 PAX competed against one another for the biggest prize in the game, a plastic replica of the WWE Heavyweight Championship Belt.
    All exercises are to a 300 count per team. One PAX from each team starts and another enters every 30 seconds. The count to 300 DOES NOT BEGIN UNTIL ALL PAX HAVE ENTERED. The first five are out there overachieving and pushing the other team to exhaustion.
    Merkins, Thrusters, Wojo Squats, Shoulder Taps (Right + Left =1), Star Jumps, Bent Over Rows, Reverse Lunges
    Final score Team Chew Toy wins 4-2 with 1 draw

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