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F3 Annapolis | September 7, 2024

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Vortex (*** Change of AO Location***) – F3/FIA Family Convergence

Vortex (*** Change of AO Location***) – F3/FIA Family Convergence
Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 12/26/2022
8:00 am - 9:00 am



You and your M and your 2.0s are invited to a Family Convergence at the Vortex AO location in Crownsville. We are then having a 2nd F event following the beatdown with breakfast so please bring OJ, Muffins, Donuts, etc. or any other breakfast foods.

RSVP on the Slack Channel.


  1. JD

    After Christmas Party F3/FiA Convergence
    PAX- ChewToy(Q), Dorothy, Rocket, Ali, Animal, FNG (4x) (Messy, Fragile, Spellcheck, Artemis), Pegasus, Pixie, Flash, Stunner, Cajun, Philly, Moose, Dorothy’s two kids

    Good mornings
    Freddy Mercury
    High Knees

    The Thang
    Split kids versus Adults
    – Kids first tagger, when caught, both tagger and tagged must do 10 squats or merkins
    – Switch
    – 10 lunges or 10 crunches

    Thunder Burpees

    Two teams
    – person 1, 25 merkins
    – Person 2, run a lap
    – Person 3, 20 squats
    – Person 4, run a lap
    – Person 5, 20 crunches
    – Person 6, run a lap
    – Person 7, 25 Merkins
    – Person 8 run a lap
    – Only one person doing the work at a time, all other team members must be doing lunges or burpees

    Animal walks

    Bear compass

    NoR- Spellcheck, Artemis, Fragile, Messy
    Closed out with a word about spending time with family and friends and enjoying that time that normally doesn’t happen throughout the year.

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