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F3 Annapolis | October 18, 2024

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Annapolis Docks (EGO ALLEY)

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Date(s) - 02/20/2021
7:00 am - 8:00 am

The Docks




  1. JD

    Great job, men!

    Get Down and Get Up

    10 PAX – including 2 FNGs!- gathered on a brisk Saturday morning in the heart of Annapolis, MD to get better together.

    Disclaimer + COVID warning delivered.

    1 Burpee
    Back Chop Huggy x10
    2 Burpees
    Don Quixotes x15
    3 Burpees
    Side Straddle Hops x30
    4 Burpees
    Good Morning Merkin x10
    5 Burpees
    Through the Tunnel x10
    1 Burpee (fooled ya!)

    Mosey around the parking lot, avoiding the ice.

    Thang #1: Pyramids

    PAX performed 4 rounds of Pyramids. The sets were: merkins (7), sumo squats (7), modified burpees (7), plank jacks (8 by special request). In-between pyramids, we moseyed around to recover. During each pyramid, we had to get down and get up between sets. At the end of Thang #1, Q did an interim CoT (Circle of Trust) and emphasized that in life, sometimes we are down but we have to get back up. Also, if we see another down, get down with them and get them back up. Interim CoT also served as a good break.

    Thang #2: Golf Ball Competition

    PAX divided up into 2 teams. Q placed a two empty buckets about 25 yards away from another bucket filled with golf balls, unfortunate gifts from my neighboring golf course. Teams competed by performing a set of exercises, grabbing a golf ball, placing in into the remote bucket, and repeating until Q called time. Team with the most golf balls in their bucket wins. It was surely an emotional victory as there were no prizes (if you don’t count the fitness benefit from the beatdown). We did this three times, picking new teams each time. Sets were:

    Round 1: 2 Burpees, 4 SS Hops, 6 Merkins, 8 Squats
    Round 2: 2 Hand Release Merkins, 4 Lunges, 6 Carolina Dry-docks, 8 Overhead Claps
    Round 3: Speed Round – 3 Jump Squats, 3 Alabama Ass Kickers

    Mosey back to the Flag for Mary:
    Ring of Fire (5 Merkins each)
    Rope Climbers x15
    Flutterkicks x20
    LBCs x30
    Dolphin Hops x10


    CoT: Reinforced Get Down and Get Up and the story behind the golf balls.

    Socially Distant BoM and OUT!


    Welcome FNGs Newton and Lucky Charms!

    We only lost one golf ball to the river. A valiant but unsuccessful last ditch effort to get a ball in the bucket before time expired. No biggie, there are plenty more where they came from.

    Coffeteria afterwards at Rising Up. Awesome place! Great AO as well. Primo real estate right next to the Naval Academy.

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