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F3 Annapolis | September 7, 2024

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Proving Grounds

Proving Grounds (Arundel H.S.)
Map Unavailable

Date(s) - 12/05/2022
5:30 am - 6:15 am

Proving Grounds




    EMOM of Champions
    PAX: Cowboy, Flux Capacitor, ChewToy, Johnny Fever, Animal (QIC)
    Conditions: 24 F and Cold and as F

    SSH- 20
    Dead Bugs – 10 (2 is 1)
    Bird Dogs – 10 (2 is 1)
    Imperial Walkers – 10
    Michael Phelps – 10
    Cherry Pickers – 20

    The THANG:
    EMOM broken into three (3) rounds; Each round goes for 10 minutes
    ROUND 1 (10 Minutes)
    2 Box-Cutters and 2 Freddy Mercury’s – add 2 reps of each every minute; In between, PAX ran back and forth on the Football Field to the 50 yard line back to end zone and dropped every minute for the exercises then resumed running

    ROUND 2 (10 Minutes)
    Start with 2 3-Way Kettle Bell Swings w/ Coupon (Center, Left, Right), Followed by 2 Blockees; Increased reps by one every minute – we peaked at 5 for 3 min in a row then went back down each minute to 2 reps each

    ROUND 3 (10 Minutes)
    Start with 10 SSH and 5 Merkins – go up 1 rep of each every minute; In between reps we stayed put (ended at 19 SSH and 14 Merkins)


    COT – TAPs:

    Cowboy – for him and his wife – safe/healthy pregnancy
    ChewToy – Nicole’s (and ChewToy’s) anticipation of moving next year and all the angst that goes along with it
    ChewToy and Flux – stay healthy and injury free during Ironman training

    12/16 (6PM) – 2nf F at Chesipioc (Crofton) – Bring a Toy
    12/26 (8AM) – FIA/F3 Convergence at Vortex; Breakfast following

    Next year – GrowRuck:
    3/23/23 – The Capitol
    6/20/23 (?) – Black Swamp
    Think about participating ion one event next year.

    Closed with Prayer and a picture

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